Archive | April, 2012

Be sensible!

29 Apr

When your career becomes your whole life,
When your workmates become your constant companion,
And when these people just makes you feel worst,
And when you don’t have your family to talk to and hold just to keep you moving,
And when even close friends are hard to reach, or loose the courage to, just to refresh yourself again.

Then your doomed. I’m warning you, that place you’re going is sad.

I am tempted to write ‘alone’. That you are alone. But no.

You are never alone.

God is where you are. Wherever that is, whomever you’re with. All the time. Always.

You just had to listen carefully, see closely. Open yourself up to Him.
Don’t wallow in your sorrow. Don’t give up easily. Fight for your sanity, happiness. Fight for your life. Live.

Talk to Him, acknowledge His Divine presence. Remember Him. Live Him.

Be sensible, kid.

Which way, Lord? Nawawala ata ako?

28 Apr

Have you felt so alone, ung tipong you’re meant for something big, great, sensible than where you are, now? That you don’t have enough will to want that coz, obviously you’re at lost to what exactly you would want to have or maybe you’re just confuse at the moment. You know that passing thought that is missed and is actually the answer you’ve been looking for? I just feel useless, like today, im not doing or maybe not doing
enough for that goal. That one mission. That something that i can pour out all my energy, my passion. I want to live that passion, been wanting to– to really feel alive. That i do exist for something. Something i am really happy doing. Unmindful of the stress or fatigue it might cause because you are blissfully satisfied with your cause. Alam mo yun? Yung feeling na ganun?

*originally texted to climax



The gift of love

14 Apr

I just watched The Vow, a movie that is inspired by true events.

It made me cry and was left at awe of how love motivates, inspires, and directs people by that great love. How selfless, all-giving a person can be just to make their love ones truly happy. How understanding we can be, how compassionate, patient, forgiving and oh giving without expecting anything in return. Just the gift of loving is enough to make us unregretful, thankful and hopeful in this life, how chaotic it may be.

I am overwhelmed by this gift God gave to us humans, so imperfect but was molded with so much potential of experiencing that profound love.

I look forward to the love God intends me to have. Thank you, God.